What you'll hear:
- How deductions are changing in 2018 and what it means for you specifically
- The biggest differences between the old and NEW rules for W2 wage earners
- What is *actually* happening with health insurance premiums moving forward
- Why you should strongly consider incorporating in 2018
...and much more
To contact David Bartasavich for your tax needs or to ask any questions, contact him here:
What you'll hear:
- The unfortunate stigma and silence around injury and illness that currently exists in classical music
- Why you actually ARE the most qualified person to start the thing you want to start (this will surprise you)
- How losing an ability can be your greatest opportunity
- The MOST important element to include in ANY money making venture you start today (everyone wants it)
...and so much more
What you'll hear:
- The most immediate way to breathe new energy and life into your work, your playing and your projects
- Why it's okay to want more than you have now AND admit that you're not totally satisfied with your career (especially if you're pretending you are)
- The thing that will surprise you MOST about the classical musician community at large (that we've discovered through leading multiple challenges)
...and so much more
Join the Starting Line Challenge! It starts Monday 12/11
What you'll hear:
… and much more
More about Mark and 21CM.org:
Mentioned on the show:
Join the STARTING LINE CHALLENGE that starts Monday 12/11!
What you'll hear:
What you'll hear:
- Why you need to purposefully seek out the people who will support you and what that looks like in reality
- How getting rejected from the Hollywood round of American Idol turned into a pivotal moment of clarity
- Why convincing people that what you want to do never works (and what actually DOES work)
- How the notion of "changing things" in any niche is counterproductive (and what intention to have your eye on instead)
...and much more
Links for Steve Hackman, mentioned during the show:
http://bit.ly/2zZBZkd - Quartz Video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmO4TG3iiV8 TED Talk
Check out more videos:
What you'll hear: